So I haven't had the time or energy to be very active in blogland, but I am hoping to get into the swing of things soon.
I realised today that one of the reasons I love blogging is that it gives me the opportunity to document things that would otherwise be ephemeral. I have been keeping various journals for a long time, and I have boxes and folders full of stuff, but a lot of things just slip through my fingers. And I know that's ok. I once lost everything that was on my laptop -writings, music, photos-, and while I was upset at first, it wasn't the end of the world. I am not too attached to material things. But of course a lot of things have sentimental value -photographs, books, artwork, heirlooms, etc.....
I was never one for taking lots of photographs, as I store and treasure memories in my head, but lately I have felt the need to do some more documenting.
There are periods of my life that I have absolutely no physical records of. They are like blank, empty spaces. And I somehow wish there was something tangible left of those times.
I went through one of my boxes of cuttings recently and came across images and articles that I cut out years ago, and I loved finding them again and being reminded of why they had been so important to me. Having said that, I also realised that I keep stuff I probably shouldn't. I love decluttering, yet I am also a collector...
Today I took a picture of this (please ignore the bad quality of the photo):
These three sketches somehow ended up together on my little table easel, and they have been sitting there for weeks now, as I like looking at them when at my desk. They probably wouldn't mean anything to anyone else, and they don't really go together, but there is something about this little group that I really like, and I couldn't bring myself to separate them... But now that I have posted them here, I can make space for new things.
Apologies for this rambling, incoherent post...
The major document that we find in life is love ... refuge in the arms ones, in the complicity of the body.
ReplyDeleteThe wise thing in our existence is receiving love and selfless giving it to those around us.
We live a moment in history where love has almost no time to exist.
On the subject of painting ... ¡¡¡¡YA!!!!!
jajajaa jajajaaja
Kisses, kisses
Hola MArina que tal? Yo veo bien esa pequeña obra de arte ... jajajajaa
Bueno he estado leyendo un rato, no te hablo en ingles porque es pesimo ...
Te invito a que me acompañes a mi dulce morada, donde viven Angeles, elfos, hadas, unicornios, seres de todas las clases.
Te invito al PAIS DE LOS NARCISOS !!!!!
Chicos, os reís de mí??!!
ReplyDeleteFete - Thank you for your beautiful words. So true. It's strange -I had just printed out a few lines that were about giving love, and next thing I see your comment!
Love to you xx
Narcis -bienvenido, y muchísimas gracias por visitar y por tu comentario. Acabo de escribirte en tu blog! Estoy segura de que tu inglés no es pésimo..
Marina x
Hola Marina, no puedo comentarte nada de lo que has escrito en tu entrada porque no domino tu idioma, es una espinita que llebo clavada desde hace mucho tienpo , pues me gusta tu pais y tu idioma.
ReplyDeleteVengo del blog de Narcis.
Un saludo
Arena -muchas gracias por tu comentario. Te he escrito en tu blog! Besos
ReplyDeleteA ver si poco a poco voy leyendo el resto de tus artículos...
ReplyDeleteDocumenting... Uf, I think I've got an obsession for document. The problem is that I gather a lot of rubbish and I don't have almost any record of some important events or periods in my life. I think it has to do with that Peter Pan side of me: fear of time.
Anyway, it's true that sometimes when one doesn't keep certain things around, finally don't miss them so much.
En cuanto a los tres bocetos, una idea: Recórtalos y pégalos a algo duro, como cartón duro, madera o algo así. Escribe anotaciones, haz dibujos o pega otras cosas alrededor. En definitiva, aprovéchalos para hacer un collage.