Monday, October 24, 2011

From last week

1. It has been wet wet wet, with flooded roads. But on Saturday we had perfect, crisp autumn weather for a while. We went out for tea and cake and then for a short walk on the prom. Scenes like this remind me why I love this place so much.

2. I made these chocolate nut balls. They contain so many of my favourite food things (cocoa, almonds, my recent discovery coconut oil, cinnamon, bee pollen...) and no sugar. I made a batch and put them in the fridge. The day I made them they tasted ok, but not great, but it seems they improve with age - a few days later they taste amazing (although the two men that tried them did not like them at all...). I think they're a bit like fancy chocolates, but without the sugar. Will definitely make them again.

3. Yes. Sublime yarn. So soft. I am falling in love with moss stitch (alternating knit and purl).

4. I am trying to get into the habit of drawing every day again and have decided to tackle animals for a while. I can draw humans without needing to look at one, but with certain animals it's a different story, as I am not used to drawing them, so I am studying the anatomy of bears, elephants, etc.

5. Another art project - I have been obsessed with taking photographs of anything with interesting line patterns. Not sure where exactly I am going with this, but I printed out all the photos I have taken so far and am playing around with some ideas (love the one of Matt in the wind - he looks like an Old Salt).

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