Monday, May 2, 2011

Walking, running, driving

This morning I went for a three-hour walk with my 77-year-old friend and neighbour (instigated by her). In the end my 27-year-old legs hurt, but in a good way. I want to be like her when I am 77. She doesn't look her age at all. She regularly gets a great haircut (and dyes her hair herself), her walking outfits are far more fancy than mine (MBT shoes), she has great skin and a wicked sense of humour.
We walked places I had never been before, on bog roads and with beautiful sea views. I only brought my house key, and it felt great not to have a mobile phone and money on me and not to think about the time.

I also did a lot of walking over the weekend. I met my friends and their cute dog for an 8am Sunday morning run/stroll by the river, and in the end we went to a running track nearby. It was so soft and made me reconsider my usual route, which starts outside my door and is mainly on tarmac. I love running in the woods and on the beach, but the great thing about my round is that I don't have to get in the car and it requires less planning. Maybe I'll aim for one or two soft-ground runs each week.

The day before a friend and I went for a drive that ended in a cul-de-sac in the middle of nowhere. I like middles of nowhere. From there we could see Galway across the water:

cul-de-sac four-legged

After all that walking I know I'll sleep well tonight! Then again, I've never had any problems sleeping... (speaking of sleeping: The last few nights I slept like a baby, which may be due to all the fresh air and activity, but I also made sure my phone was switched off and believe it has made a difference. We do not yet know the effects of sleeping directly beside a mobile phone. I used to forget to switch mine off and kept it on my bedside table, as I have neither a watch nor a clock, and a lot of people seem to do that, but it could be very bad for us).
I really want to keep up the walking, in addition to the running; it makes me a better person (at least less cranky)!


  1. I always think that walking is the best exercise for the spirit, and it's amazing for the body, too!

    I love your blog - I went to Ireland last year and fell completely in love with it. Thank you also for your feedback on Virginia Woolf - I too am loving reading words that I don't quite understand, but that capture me completely anyway.

  2. Thank you, Catherine! I read your posts about Ireland; looks like you were in the area where I live!
